Redesign: Version 2.0

Documenting my first ever redesign of my personal website

It’s been a long time since I posted here. A lot has happened in that time, some of which I’ll write about in future blog posts. During my hiatus, I’ve been working on this website redesign which I’m finally presenting today!

I designed my very own minimalist theme for this site. In doing this, I took the time to rebuild this site using Sveltekit. When I first deployed this website, I used the static site generator Eleventy.

My decision to pivot to using a different framework came about earlier this year when I learned how to use React for some front-end work at my job. I enjoyed the experience of setting up components to handle state logic so much that I opted to pursue rebuilding my website using a front-end framework.

I could have continued using React as my front-end framework of choice, especially given that it has a very mature ecosystem. Instead, I opted to learn Svelte out of curiosity. It hasn’t been too hard for me to learn the basics. I’ve even had some fun learning the ins and outs of this framework.

Here are some screenshots of the new design I’ve implemented alongside those of the original design. These are some notable design changes I’ve made:

  • Switch to a grayscale color theme for most links, buttons, and text to simplify the visual design
  • Simplified blog post list layout by removing divider lines and other meta data (time to read, tags) for each blog post to cut down on visual clutter
  • No social media links as I don’t use instagram or twitter anymore
  • Moved blog post tags to the bottom of each blog post
  • Added a short personal bio at the bottom of each blog post

New Layout

Front page

New design of the home page

Blog page

New design of the blog page

Photos page

New design of the photos page

About page

New design of the about me page

Blog Post Page

New design of the blog post layout

Old Layout

Front page

Old design of the home page

e imgBucket=“p9_redesign_2” imgName=“old-post.png” alt=“Old design of the blog post layout”/> */}

Items on My Wishlist

These are some features that are in my roadmap for a future site update:

  • displaying a list of all tags on my blog page
  • implement a button to make it possible to switch to dark mode
  • RSS feed for my photo gallery
  • add tags to photos contained within the photo gallery
  • restyling equations and code blocks in blog posts to make these look more visually appealing
  • adding a table of contents section for longer articles
  • implement a better way to include photosets into my photo gallery

I’ll cross items off this list as I get these done.