A First Look at Setting Up Tailwind CSS v4.0

How Tailwind CSS v4.0 simplifies design token configuration.

Headshot of Bryan Anthonio
Bryan Anthonio
Dramatic aerial view of steep, striated cliffs at Waimea Canyon, showing reddish-brown rock faces contrasting with dense green forest along the ridgetops.
Waimea Canyon's Layered Cliffs.

Just three days ago, Tailwind CSS released v4.0 which introduces major changes to how we configure and manage design tokens with this framework.

As someone who uses Tailwind CSS extensively for both personal and professional work, I immediately migrated my personal website to test the new system.

In this post, I’ll share my experience migrating to TailwindCSS v4, focusing on the new @theme directive and how it simplifies design token management. You’ll see how the new approach eliminates the need for a separate JavaScript configuration file and makes working with CSS variables more straightforward.


The Old Way to Configure Tailwind CSS With CSS Variables

Previous versions of Tailwind CSS have supported a clunky setup for integrating CSS variables. All config settings have to be kept in a JavaScript (JS) config file tailwind.config.mjs found in the project’s root directory.

For instance, I typically define CSS variables for a custom color palette like this one below:

:root {
  --primary-color: hsl(49, 100%, 7%);
  --link-color: hsl(49, 100%, 7%);
  --line-color: hsl(49, 23%, 90%);
  --tag-color: hsl(49, 22%, 88%);

A common way to integrate these in the Tailwind CSS system has been to set up the JS config file like so:

export default {
	content: ['./src/**/*.{astro,html,js,jsx,md,mdx,svelte,ts,tsx,vue}'],
	theme: {
		extend: {
			colors: {
				primary: "var(--primary-color)",
				link: "var(--primary-link-color)",
				line: "var(--line-color)",
				tag: "var(--tag-color)"
	plugins: [],

One motivation for this approach is that it’s straightforward to implement light and dark themes. To implement a light/dark mode toggle button you could write some Javascript to toggle the values of the color CSS variables. I prefer this method over the recommended workflow which requires you to add more styles to components.

The downside of this approach is that adding a new color requires creating a new CSS variable for the color in :root and a corresponding entry in the JS config file. Fortunately, the newest release of tailwind provides a more optimal solution.

Introducing the New Config Workflow

Tailwind CSS v4 allows you to configure all of your CSS in a single CSS file, without having to maintain a Javascript config file. Taking the example setup introduced in the last section, this is how it would look in the new system:

@import "tailwindcss";

@theme {
	--color-primary: hsl(49, 100%, 7%);
	--color-link: hsl(49, 100%, 7%);
	--color-line: hsl(49, 23%, 90%);
	--color-tag: hsl(49, 22%, 88%);

That’s it! In addition, you no longer need to include the boilerplate found in the old JS config file.

The tailwind compiler will do the following:

  • Add these CSS variables to :root
  • Generate utility classes such as bg-primary, text-primary, and color-link.

In other words, CSS variables that have the namespace --color-* will be used to generate new color utility classes.

I’ve sometimes found it tricky to figure out how to use the other namespaces that have been introduced, as you can see here.

For instance, if you want to create a custom utility class named max-w-large-page, you’d have to add --container-large-page: 2500px; to your @theme. This would generate the desired utility class max-w-large-page in addition to other classes such as min-w-large-page.

I love this new system because it means I no longer need to context switch between my CSS and JS files when editing design tokens. Everything lives in one CSS file.

Migration Experience

As I refactored my website’s CSS, the migration process itself was surprisingly smooth. Since the new @theme system maps directly to the old configuration approach, I mainly needed to:

  1. Update my astro config to use the new @tailwindcss/vite plugin. Here’s the official guide on how to do that.
  2. Move my design tokens from tailwind.config.mjs to my CSS file.
  3. Update the variable naming to match the new namespace conventions.
  4. Remove the now-unnecessary JavaScript configuration.


Overall, I’m happy with the new version of Tailwind CSS. The main learning curve I’ve identified is in learning which namespaces to use for CSS variables. Nonetheless, I find it even easier than before to set up a design system.